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Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

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Edited By:  Scalino
Sep-03-11 22:33:27

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi, you might be able to help me, I am new to neurohacking and read amazing things you can do reprogramming your brain. My question is I have saliva building up in my mouth over the day and I spit it out quiet often during the day but when I go to sleep I sometimes wake up and notice I have a swallowing reflex which went out of controlled due to the issue I just mentioned.I have a dry mouth and still swallow for some reason.Can you help me get rid of the reflex?. I appreciate your help.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi. You should wait the veterans here to give you a proper answer, but since it is taking a bit for this to happen, I'll give you my opinion.

  First I should say I'm not sure this kind of "short term hack" is really the focus here, I believe it is more along the lines of whole brain health, something which may take quite some time to even notice. Even when tutorials talk about quick hacks, it is usually to help stay on the right track.

  But, with that said, I for one do have a dry mouth when going to sleep or waking up, and swallow reflex is also there. Dunno if it is related to what you describe but, I try to drink lots of water before sleeping (tho it may have the side effect of going to the bathroom in odd times). Also, I try not to feed much (or at all) too close to sleeping time, as digestion takes lots of water to happen. Years ago I tried to eat watermelons before sleep, as it has lots of water, but that didnt work, it just made me go a lot to the bathroom before I ever managed to sleep... (it may work for others tho, cause i think my problem there was the actual sleeping, since I have a somewhat sensitive "ear" and bats' sonars are common around the crypt)

  Dunno if that helps but... hey awesome avatar =)


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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hey,oh thanks I tried to get an avatar to be something like what the moderators have here:) So you think less water might help me? I'll try not eating before I sleep and see what happens, this mouth watering problem is really annoying since its constant the whole day.Kinda wierd cause people don't worry about these things usually, I knew only one guy that was spitting like that the whole day, well hey I guess it does happen but not that often. You've been doing this hacking for a while, does it improve your IQ a lot?Its a neat idea that you can change your neurological structure already at this age, in my mind these things are associated with year 2030 lol. Thanks for your help.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Nope, I was in fact born a genius (I actually pity all you humans, but this kind of attitude is what gets me banned from nice places like this). Just kidding of course (or am I?eek) but it's more like we ALL have a ferrari but must drive at 3 mph to avoid all the constant BULLSHIT most humans throw our way.

  NH is more like entering the highway, instead of playing THEIR way! (hey, nice inversion of the popular saying huh? Moderators, feel free to add that definition of NH to the n00b section eh? ;-))

"Its a neat idea that you can change your neurological structure already at this age,"
How old you think I am? See my own avatar, the sphinx was built in my honor! [This sentence is obsolete]

"in my mind these things are associated with year 2030 lol."
oh... that's what you mean (I'm not that smart after all redface IQ doesn't really matter much you see [oops, I betray myself])... as it turns out, we've been doing it all our lives, except that if we don't really know (or care) where we wanna get to then it really doesn't matter which way you go.

  About the water, I don't know, you'll have to test yes.. my problem is thirst (i think, still testing here too cool), but yea, maybe there is a lot of fluid there and that's why you get this. However, you may try being aware if it correlates with being anxious before or after as I also knew a friend who, in this case, it wasn't saliva but sweat and in the hands, and I had a bit of that too, but not as much and much rarer (but I think it may had correlation with humans). So maybe they are related.

Another thing is just trying not to spit, see how long you can take it and if you can extend that time period, for example, my father has a bad habit of blowing his nose a lot in the bathroom, sometimes it is really obsessive, and you can hear there is nothing coming out anymore, but, of course, after you take all your protection away, any little particle will irritate the skin and cause more mucus to be produced which will soon cause itching, but if you allowed it to do its job, then it would stop being produced since no particles would reach the nerves to stimulate it. Maybe something similar could be happening, I don't know.

EDIT: to reflect avatar change... smile

Edited By:  Act2Ally
Jun-26-14 16:21:49
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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

I see what you mean, mind has no limit which way it wants to go or the speed it should travel at same as the autobahn. I just realized that I took a pill which led me into a different reality with limitless possibilities and the world I've been living in is a small match box compared to what I am really going to discover. I have never really gave thought to what the future is going to bring us in 10 or 20 years with new technologies and revolution in spiritual cognition. My mind was always in the present moment and the most interesting part of the future to me was being able to upload our minds to a mechanical brain and live forever in form of a robot, boy was I wrong about this place lol.As I see this is a transition into the real world. I guess this community is what is going to be the first leap into the evolution of cybernetics which is a pretty interesting idea. What is even more interesting is how far your can push your spiritual abilities and use them for your benefit. There is more than meets the eye, this is coming from a skeptical atheist who never believed in anything which had to do with religion. The matrix chose me I guess lol. Do you practice magick? How far can the skill be developed at this point? I am reading Angel Tech by Antero Alli to become familiar with the subject.Do you have any suggestions on further material I should look into? What you said about trying not to spit out the saliva doesn't work, my mouth gets filled with spit up to the point where my mouth becomes full lol. I tried controlling the release of the saliva but its not working how hard I try to concentrate. Anyway I will figure something out maybe progress in neurohacking will help. Its not the avatar but the nickname which matters lol Are there other resources for neurohackers?Thanks again for reaching out.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi dude,
With no other symptoms apparent it's difficult to trace causes, but one reason for excess salivation is our system trying to balance intestinal chemistry. We notice this sometimes if feeling nauseous; a sudden rush of excess saliva is produced and we have to swallow a lot or spit it out (actually swallowing it is the sensible option -when the gut chemistry is balanced, the salivation stops).

If you've noticed any stomach or digestive problems, or if you don't follow a healthy diet, this could be one cause. Check out the articles below, might help you assess whether any other symptoms are present.


"Research uncovers the "gut-brain axis"." November 27th, 2013. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-11-u … -axis.html
"Research indicates certain probiotics may influence brain functioning." August 30th, 2011. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-08-p … oning.html
http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2 … .html?etoc

http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic … nce-of-gut

http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic … _the_brain

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

If all else fails, don't panic. As a last resort, you could experiment with changing the format of your jaw or teeth configuration, as judging from your avatar (if that is really you) there is a slight possibility for this being the case. (perhaps trying not to speak for a while might correlate?) I had a childhood friend with particular sinus cavities geometric patterns which used to cause him problems, mostly snoring but also fluid problems as well. No need for magick, try some simple gauze and if that shows promise then you can upgrade them to orthodontic 'cybernetics' and be well on your path to cyborg hardware glory.

Act2ally my nickname means act TO ally. lol LOL

However, if I were looking for a white rabbit, I'd ask the madratters.

but, of course, they are mad too.


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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi dudes,
crazyhacker202 wrote: "the world I've been living in is a small match box compared to what I am really going to discover."

Wow, how many of us here have experienced this feeling?  :  )  I know I have. It's very cool; knowing we have this potential, like being given a second chance to live our lives and develop our minds as biology intended, without any of the bullshit programming this time round; without any of the damage. It's also an immense amount of fun. There is so much more to the real world, our relationships and our culture; once we get, for want of a better colloquial term, 'out of the matrix'. I felt like someone had taken a bag off my head when I first experienced this, a bag or a blindfold that I never knew was there before. Or like stepping out of a cloud of pollution and seeing a whole new landscape brimming with fresh air  :  )   Enjoy it, dude.

CH202* wrote: "As I see this is a transition into the real world."

That's the aim. -To become our real selves in the real world and wave bye-bye to all the artifice and bollocks.

CH202 wrote: "What is even more interesting is how far your can push your spiritual abilities and use them for your benefit. There is more than meets the eye, this is coming from a skeptical atheist who never believed in anything which had to do with religion."

Most here are atheist/agnostic, but research implies human spirituality has nothing to do with religions societies invented. You may enjoy Lipton's lecture:

Bruce Lipton, 'Epigenetics -the science of human empowerment'

CH202 wrote: "Are there other resources for neurohackers?"

D'you mean apart from this site & the Homeworld Network? See the 'resources' section in Library and 'Weblinks' on homepage.
*not to be confused with CH2O2 (formic acid) :  )

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

I found an English site about the subject - www.psychophysical-torture.de.tl/

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi dude,
Good luck with the research on salivation -if you discover anything new let us know.

Sorry dude no interest in 'conspiracy theories', I see 'em as just another pile of crap from the Toilet Empire no different from all the other crap they throw our way  :  )  There's a time and place for speculation without evidence, and it's when you're out of it purely for a laugh.

There is however plenty of evidence for tech/drugs etc either being used deliberately to spike us (as in Rohypnol in drinks) or inadvertantly doing it anyway (as in ultrasound, which has been shown to create rogue prions yet is still used in regular scanning including of unborn infants*.) Truth can be much stranger than fiction, and is just as scary as the X Files.
*I have a paper on this, I'll forward the URL when I get it off the other computer.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi dude,
Speculation WITH proof is another matter entirely...but there is a massive queue of stuff to read. If you have the URLs of any science research (for example, such as the book is based on, that would save time.

I misread the post or something, wasn't aware you personally had written this!

I must confess to a lack of interest in 'most people', because the same rules don't apply when people know what they're doing, but new data is always good.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

PS -here's that ultrasound reference I said I'd get:

http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100726/ … 0.376.html

'Spontaneous generation' of prions using ultrasound


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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Alex wrote:

Hi dudes,
A plural! I like pluralS (you see? lol)

*not to be confused with CH2O2 (formic acid) :  )
hehehe nice wordplay! You know, after UN 'urged' people to eat insects to solve world hunger [1], I've been trying to increase my already exceedingly high intake of ants. eek You know, so them solidarious and hard working "UN-people" (hmm..) can get on with their caviar reunions where, I figure, all the omega-3 enable their brains to come up with such wondrous solutions (they must be neurohacking as well, lol). I've found that quick heating of the CH2O2 also provides a very sweet aroma which complements quite nicely the cinammon! cool

In fact, acid has hit my brain and inspired me to change my avatar to a healthier one. Thank you CH202. mrgreen

Still on the pun notes, here is the most compact quotation I came up with while still keeping the reference to NeuroHacking. Feel free to recombine or otherwise find a better phrasing, if you feel it deserves the newbie section definitions page:

"It was society's way or the highway. I chose NHighway." lol

crazyhacker202 wrote:

I suggest you delete that post because I've been told
Hi =) You can delete it too by editing it out...

OR overwriting it with something less dangerous? :-)

OR there is the March Hare in -->that direction <-- (maybe clicking in the library then tutorials, that's how I got started ^_^)


[1] http://www.livescience.com/37816-eating … world.html

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Ive read that if you feed certain parts of the brain a continuous flow of 9 volt, it will make you learn twice as fast,get super quick reactions , recall information faster and you will be making faster decisions. And it makes you a good shooter apparently. Can you guys find out how to do that? The millitary is doing it, so basically attach a battery to the brain. And dude send me some acid in the mail if you have good stamps, I wana try some.

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